Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a holistic approach to maintaining optimal health and well-being. This system understands that we have bioelectrical energy flowing through meridian pathways throughout the body. When this energy is unobstructed, we feel great mentally, physically, and emotionally. If these channels are blocked, energy flow is impaired and systems begin to break down.
Physiology of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is a biofeedback indicator to determine where energy is blocked and what we need to do to restore its flow. A weak muscle generally indicates a blockage, a strong muscle generally indicates unobstructed flow of energy. Kinesiology is a non-invasive, very gentle approach that offers immediate results.
A Whole Body approach
Nutritional Therapy incorporates a Whole Body approach to wellness. There is no "magic pill", nor can a body be completely in balance if only one area of life is maintained. There are fundamental foundations (Digestion, Blood Sugar, Fatty Acids, Vitamins/Minerals, Hydration), that, when balanced, allow the body's innate ability to bring us into Homeostasis, a stable optimally functioning internal environment. Along with Movement, Fun, Relaxation, and Sunshine, our lives can be happier and healthier.