Name (last name optional) = Lee L
Message = I went to a nutritionist because I wanted someone to help me figure out why I felt and looked like crap all the time. I was bloated, my skin looked old, I couldn't lose weight and I was uncomfortable in my own body and I wanted to know why and what I could do about it. Chris was really great and very patient and didn't make me give up all my favorite foods, she showed me healthier substitutes and added in all the good stuff and taught me why it was better, told me why its important to get up and move my butt, I didn't always want to follow her recommendations but they worked! She explained that changes don't happen overnight and some things can take longer than others, but she gave me hope and I started seeing awesome results in just a few months. I've been losing weight, the belly bloat is gone and I finally don't look like I'm 6 months pregnant anymore. I'm actually looking forward to summer and my boyfriend said I haven't smiled this much in a really long time. Chris is very motivating and supportive and says all the changes are because I'm making them happen, but without her nutrition program I'm not sure they would have and I can't thank her enough.
Review Date = May 2, 2021